Pages version, work continues

Thanks to everyone who has been asking about Wastoid! Some brief updates:

1. There's a single-pages version of the preview now. Did you hate "spreads"? Well, now there's another option. (And this one fixed the export errors near the end of the book.)

2. Work continues on the game. I'd rather work on the game than spend a lot of time talking about working on the game, but some highlights that might be worth noting include:

  • An adventure! (I hope to playtest it soon.)
  • Art! (Trying to mess around with public domain pulp art to make the ladies look more badass where I can.)
  • Revisions! (I realized I had some issues with the junk rules that make it harder to prep and run adventures, so I ended up changing a bunch related to that, which had a lot of knock-on effects.)
  • Layout! (It's A5 sized now, and I'm trying to make it look nicer in general.)

3. I think you're swell. Thanks to everyone who has sent well-wishes over the past year as I've been recovering from long covid. I'm glad to say my health has greatly improved thanks to new treatment. I wish I could say that means I'll be wrapping up Wastoid in a jiffy, but now there's the small matter of needing to find a new day job. (Sadly, selling RPGs doesn't cover the rent around here.) I look forward to being able to offer another update, though, and I appreciate everybody who has messaged to check in on progress.


Wastoid preview 3 pages.pdf 19 MB
50 days ago

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The game is looking great!! If you decide to have some sort of funding campaign, I'd definitely back it!

Thanks! I am wary about crowdfunding, but it would certainly help fund production costs. I should think on it!

I'm a member of a Facebook group called the Vault of the Atomic Age. It might have some artwork you can use.

Thanks for the tip!

Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Good luck on the search, and thank you for the update.

Great news! Looking forward to future developments! Take your time!