Revised Edition

The "Revised Edition" addresses the following issues with the original jam submission:

  • Coming up with character names and talents before defining the genre/tone was an unintentional recipe for hilarity. I moved stuff around, and specified that you could come up with character details during play. It'll go faster that way anyway.
  • The original game did not specify that players have limited purview over their characters, and the facilitator has purview over everything but that. I once learned the hard way that this does need to explicitly spelled out for first-time players, if that's how you want to play, because otherwise you risk feeling like a jerk when you ask them to stop stealing your lines.
  • A sample scenario I wouldn't advise using with strangers was probably not actually a good way of stress-testing the game's very minimal safety tools. Two new scenarios are suggested, with an explicit note that they can be read more than one way.
  • The original made no mention of appropriate risks. The new version is still purposefully vague, but specifies that risks should never prevent someone from playing. This is a 10-minute demo for an entire hobby, not a test of ingenuity and resource management skills. You'll lose people forever if their first story about trying roleplaying is, "I got killed and had to sit and watch everybody else play."
  • The URL on the front of the business card just really bugged me. I moved it to the back, made it tiny, and made it a hyperlink.


ALPP2e Revised 61 kB
Sep 02, 2019

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